
With a wealth of sci-fi movies about the future, the trope of a society which suppresses the emotions of its citizens has become so frequent that watching them is like playing a game of spot-the-differences. In this sea of similarities, there are a few that stand out for their excellence (and some for their failures).ContinueContinue reading “Equals”

Anybody Can Be a Hero

“Heroes never die!” – Mercy Released in May 2016 by Blizzard Entertainment, Overwatch is a team-based first-person shooter (FPS) that has quickly taken centre-stage in the gaming world. In a landscape already saturated with FPS games, what makes this one so different? Perhaps a successful new IP was to be expected from the developers ofContinueContinue reading “Anybody Can Be a Hero”

Spec in Song Spotlight: Kyle Morton

Spec in Song explores the use of the speculative in music, whether it be fantasy, sci-fi, horror, or beyond. The content of Kyle Morton’s songs is just about as wide-ranging and eclectic as the musical styles he works into them. This makes sense considering that his main band, Typhoon, consists of eleven multi-instrumentalists; their workContinueContinue reading “Spec in Song Spotlight: Kyle Morton”

The Ship Isn’t Big Enough for the Two of Us: A Review of Passengers

This review contains spoilers! In the realm of inferior movies there is a special category reserved for movies that are unsatisfactory despite their captivating and deceptively convincing trailers. Passengers is a new addition to this category, for despite its adrenaline-filled trailers that bombarded TV screens several weeks before its release, it leaves its audience withContinueContinue reading “The Ship Isn’t Big Enough for the Two of Us: A Review of Passengers”